

The best (free) thing you can do to improve your surfing

There’s a number of ways to improve your surfing & longboarding in particular (like following this series 😉), but if I look back at my own surf journey & what I’ve tried there’s one thing that stands out as a pivotal moment where I really started to see improvement in my own surfing that you can do to:

⚡ Reviewing & analyzing video footage of yourself ⚡

Once I got past the cringe factor of seeing myself on video (because let’s face it, it always feels way cooler than it looks 😅), it became the number one tool I use even today to keep on improving.

No matter how many tips, how-to videos, tutorials, or other resources are out there, it’s hard to fully implement what you learn until you’re aware of what your surfing actually looks like.

I know getting footage can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be.

If you’re surfing with a friend, all you need is 20-30 minutes each: one of you take video at the start of your session & the other at the end & afterwards you’ll both have at least a little bit of footage of yourself. Usually your phone is sufficent enough too.

No matter how many tips, how-to videos, tutorials, or other resources are out there, it’s hard to fully implement what you learn until you’re aware of what your surfing actually looks like.

Some things it helped me with are:

  • Positioning on the wave. I spent most of my time surfing ahead of the pocket, rather than in it but I had no idea until I saw it on video. Making this adjustment was huge for my surfing.
  • Getting my timing to the nose right.
  • Body posture, stance, & positioning on the board.
  • Style. Subjective, yes, but seeing my arms flail around or whatever gave me the chance to correct it.
  • Clarity. Around what I was doing wrong, but also what I was doing right 💪.

So if you’re out there wondering what you can do keep improving, I highly recommend getting footage of yourself, review it, analyze it, & compare it with video of surfers who inspire you (taking care not to criticize yourself 💛).

🚨 And spoiler alert, I’ll soon be releasing video analysis for those wanting extra, personalised advice from yours truly.

Join the waitlist here ✌️.

3 things you can do to

Improve your surfing at any level

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